Sunday, June 8, 2008

Masterpiece/Winemaker's Dinner at the Lake Washington Technical College

A cool thing that we discovered after taking a wine class at the Lake Washington Technical College is that twice a year they put on a Masterpiece / Winemaker's dinner.

The culinary students prepare the dinner and each course is paired with wine. At the most recent event last Thursday, the wines were supplied by Parducci Winery (Mendocino Wine Company), last Winter the wines were from Kana Winery.

The beauty of this event is that the food is all wonderfully prepared by the culinary students as part of their graduate work, and the cost is about half of what you would expect for such an event.

I highly recommend that you look into the Culinary Schools around your neighborhood, I doubt that LWTC is the only school that does this kind of thing.

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