Monday, May 26, 2008

Demographics of a Wine Drinker

As I was searching the web for different wine festivals, I stumbled across some demographic information about those festivals. In particular, I found the demographic data for the Boston Wine Expo as well as the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival.

It would be good to point out that the type of people that go to wine festivals are a small subset of all the wine drinkers out there. That said, it is interesting to see how you fit within the wider demographic.

Largest Age Group: 30-40
Income: 69% earn more than $100,000 (Boston) Average income: $107,000 (Vancouver)
Average Amount Spent on Wine/Month: $152 (Vancouver)
Average Price/Bottle: 20% spend between $20-$30 (Boston)
# Bottles/Month: 39% buy 5-10 bottles, 33% buy 1-4 bottles (Boston)

It seems the demongraphics of a wine drinker align on both the east and west coast as well as into Canada. It certainly does paint a picture of your typical wine enthusiast.

It also reinforces how much wine is a luxury item that is marketed that way. I read somewhere that the quality of wine increases quite a bit for each additional dollar you spend up to $50/bottle. After $50/bottle, you do get an increase in quality and better materials (i.e. where the grapes are from, how they are treated, how much patience was put into the vinification of the wine, newer oak barrels and the like) but the increased cost is more marketing (name brand) and/or supply and demand driven.

I'm curious about the bigger picture, the demographics of a wine drinker and how the US compares to other countries like France and Italy.

Technorati Profile

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